Monday 10 September 2007


I was born in the 80s. It was the time when VCR was dominating the entertainment unit. It was the time when all I did at home was watching Mind Your Language until the videotape and the whole class of Mr Brown went all wrong. It was when the A-Team series was a major hit, I think. Not to forget MacGuyver and Airwolf. I watched the Sound of Music and Mary Poppins numerous times till I remember lyrics of them songs. That's why I can't wait to watch them on the big screen for the 30th anniversary of the Sound of Music. That's coming soon.

Ah, the 80s. What else. Oooh. The Transformers was on tv that decade too. Not to forget the Knight Rider, The Quantum Leap.

I was a young kid. Everyday, after coming back from school, all I could think was the tv. Watching The Smurfs, Care Bears, He-Man, GI Joe, Charlie Brown, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Ninja Turtles, Thundercats. You name it. During
bulan puasa, I remember this series Naik Tangga Turun Tangga, or was that during the 90s I can't remember.

While riding the yellow bus to school, the
abang or pakcik driver would listen to Search or Wings or some other malay rock groups. Most importantly, the MILO dalam van at school. The best milo ice in the world!

I so miss those days.


nurulazreenazlan said...

Naik Tangga Turun Tangga, 90's me think.

Juga tidak dilupakan cerita Rumah Kedai pada bulan puasa.

Pagi Sabtu aku akan rekod kartun Garfields kat video tape (tak pun mak aku tapekan sebab aku kena pegi taekwondo practice).

Masa Maghrib dulu aku suka tengok kartun Dungeons and Dragons.

Sebelum tu pukul 6 tengok cerita drama Cina bersiri dari Hong Kong. Cerita yang masih diingati tajuknya adalah The Drifters. Balik sekolah agama campak beg terus tengok TV.

And MILO dalam van! That was heaven!

Anonymous said...

jgn lupe kite di"wajib"kn tgk jejak rasul kt skolah dulu parg.. hehe.. tp tuh dah kire time besau eh??
i luv MOERO ATTACK!! "cun main bola tampar.. bla bla bla.." hehe..

fazilah:g said...

Hah yes Moero Attack lepas balik negaji!Gaban, Baja Hitam hehe.

Oh ye Rumah Kedai yang dicari!

Aku buat Milo kawan aku bg satu tin mmg milo malaysia mari, tapi dah besar ni pun aku buat tak jadik macam milo dalam van tu kenapa aaaa. Kecewa.

nurulazreenazlan said...

aku rasa you're not alone in a sense of trying to emulate the taste of MILO van in the confines of your own kitchen, pastu keciwa.

aku rasa dorang letak kas-kas la, hehe.

cakapaje said...


Ladies, I hope you don't mind me butting in - if you do, just say so.

Fazilah, believe me, 20 years from now you're gonna say "I so miss those days". I know I did. And if I live long enough, in another 20 years time I'm sure as hell going to miss this present day.

But I certaily do agree with you and nuruazreen; they should bring back the iced milo van! If I ever go to heaven, that'll be the first thing I want! :)