Friday, 26 March 2010

Thank goodness it's Friday !

I know it's the weekend, the start of every devilish activities, like shopping, overeating, and such.
Not that I do that every week. Right.

Just a note to myself. I must not waste money, please.
Mesti berjimat cermat, macam abah.



Anonymous said...
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waniey said...

parg, jimat cermat saving utk beli tiket ke japan kan? hehehe...

fazilah:g said...

Bukan tu je. In general perlu jimat. Haha. Tapi..jom roung. Pegi sekali :)

sarroung said...

apa yg 'jom' tu parg? japan ke? aduuhh, tak mampu makcik! ;(

fazilah:g said...

Korea lah ke, air asia dah nak buat pi seoul kan? :P